January 27-Parliament Tour

Today we took a tour of the Hungarian Parliament. It was probably one of the coolest buildings we have ever been on, and the beauty really can't be described in pictures. But I suppose here are some cool ones that we took. 

Above are pictures of the Grand Staircase and one of the two chambers of the Parliament. Following our tour, Peter, Schwock (Harry), and I went to a Persian Restaurant for lunch. Sadly, the phone did not eat first :(.  

After lunch, we decided to go show Peter one of the Kolodko Statues that we were finding all over the city for our group project. Peter really liked this one!

After that we returned home and took a nap before heading off to dinner. We ate a Frici Papa, a restaurant that a local had suggested we try. It was a solid 7.3 out of 10 I'd say. After that we met up with some of our fellow classmates to watch a soccer game at one of the pubs in District 7. We didn't take any other pictures from the day, but enjoy this last cool one of the Parliament building at night from earlier this week.

Yes, it is from my camera role and shot on iPhone. Those commercials are kind of right about the photo quality. Solid day. 9.4 out of 10. 


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